Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thoughts on Strength Training

  • Most skiers have enough muscle mass in those muscles that are used in cross country skiing
    • Some female, junior, and a few male skiers (Patrick) may need to increase muscle mass and maximal strength, especially in their upper body


General Guidelines:


  • Focus on prime movers
    • Prime movers are the big muscled groups that do most of the work
  • Prevent muscle imbalances
    • Often injuries from strength training are the direct result of developing muscle imbalances
  • Use multi-joint exercises whenever possible
    • Such exercises more closely simulate the dynamic movement patterns of sport and also limit time in the gym
  • Mimic the positions and movements of the sport
    • For example when doing pull-ups the hands should be the same width as they would be when poling
  • Include core
    • The forces applied through your arms and legs must pass through your core. If this area is weak much of the force is lost. A strong core keeps the pelvis in a neutral positions (hips high and forward). If the core fatigues or is weak, the front of the pelcis sags and the butt protrudes shortening stride length.
  • Keep the number of exercises low
    • In order to concentrate on improving specific movements focus on those exercises that will provide the greatest gain for the least time invested
  • Periodize strength training
    • Different phases of strength training should have different goals
    • Loads should be increased ~5% every four or five workouts


  1. Anatomical adaptation (4 weeks, 2 sessions per week)
    1. Initial phase to prepare the muscles for greater loads
    2. Load – 40-60%
    3. 20 reps
    4. 3 sets
    5. 2 minutes recovery between sets

Potential program:

  1. Leg Press -
  2. Pull- up -
  3. Pistol squat
  4. Barbell bench -
  5. Seated row -
  6. Triceps dip -
  7. Bicep cur –
  8. Shoulder press -


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