Friday, December 19, 2008


Some highlights from Duntroon so far:

1. It's snowing here = neige au maximum. It was supposed to snow 10cm today but that happened sometime around 10:00 this morning. Right now the roads are a mess, flights are canceled, and the race has been delayed because the plows have been called off the streets until the snow stops. It's pretty intense.

2. The course is old school. Two laps of 7.5km, narrow in places, lots of flowing, rolling terrain mixed in with some short, super steep hills (course profile).

3. The snow is heavily influenced by the Georgian Bay just a few kilometers from here. The humidity is high and flouros will be in play.

4. One of the hills in the sprint course is like a cliff. Tempo will have to be high to avoid stalling out.

5. The Norwegian nordic sprinters have their own web site with a Top Gun-style theme called "Top Ski." Last year's theme had them costumed as Viking super heroes. This video is awesome = it combines two of my favourite things: Top Gun and cross country skiing. I highly recommend checking this out - YouTube clip.

6. As a result of the terrible roads the race organizers have delayed the start of the qualifying round until 11:10. This is to allow both racers and volunteers to make it safely to the race site. Based on the roads, this is probably a good call.

7. Tomorrow is a 1.3km skate sprint. The course is going to be soft.

8. Jorts... fantastic - YouTube clip

This was a pretty disjointed update. Don't forget to watch the Norwegian video in #5!

More tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You have got to be one of the biggest (ski) geeks i know, but it works well for you, so keep it up.
